Karachi: Renowned TV host, Ali Saleem is back on the screens with “The Late Late Show” on Dawn News TV, with the first episode going on air on 26th March 2016. The guests on 1st episode will be the team behind the blockbuster film Jawani Phir Nahin Aani & TV serial Dillagi – director Nadeem Baig with Humayun Saeed and Mahvish Hayat.
““The Late Late Show” will be a lighthearted, positive, funny and at times, a controversial show.” remarked Ali Saleem. “People should tune in to the “Late Late Show” every weekend so that they can forget the violence and trauma that dominates on news channels on a daily basis. It aims a new trend by getting people to talk and eventually be an entertainment venture, in short, it is, “celebrating your spirit.””
This show would portray the lighter side of life and encourage people not to take themselves too seriously. “The Late Late Show” aims to convince the audience to refrain from climbing on to the negativity bandwagon and stop being judgmental as is often observed on our social media platforms and television offerings.
Speared by a witty, clever and theatrical host, Ali Saleem who will be portrayed as sophisticated, well-spoken and always striving to be as authentic as possible.
“The Late Late Show” with Ali Saleem will be an entertaining show with its very own live musical band, comedy bits, and games. It will definitely be worth watching! The second episode of the show is with Meera, Saud and Sana on Sunday 27th March 2016.
The #TheLateLateShowAliSaleem will be telecast every weekend at 11:05pm only on #DawnNews.