Best Real Estate Portal Lamudi Hosts Karachi’s Blogger Meet-up

Best Real Estate Portal Lamudi Hosts Karachi’s Blogger Meet-up

KARACHI, 22 AUGUST, 2015: hosted a bloggers meet up in Karachi on 20th August, 2015 at Neco’s Cafe.  This was a great session where the bloggers interacted with Lamudi’s Country Director, Saad Arshed. The core purpose of the session was to take the bloggers on board  about Lamudi’s exclusive success over its two years of presence in Pakistan and let them know to its Google inspired work culture. Saad gave a presentation to the bloggers about Lamudi’s success and its cherished yielding systems.

Lamudi Blogger meet up Karachi Pakistan

The accomplishments included Lamudi’s launch of Android and iOS apps in June 2014, which have been downloaded over 535,000 times since. Other milestones achieved, included its launch of a property magazine, conducting real estate empowerment programs and lastly the launch of its new developments section on the website.

Saad also shed light on Lamudi’s employee-centric work culture, which according to him is the ingredient behind Lamudi’s growth and makes it different from more traditional work places. Lamudi has a flat management structure, where all employees from the CEO to the sales, marketing, finance, human resources and customer services departments sit together in an open-plan office.

Some of the bloggers who attended this event are Mr. Noman Younus from Pakistan Media Updates, Mr. Adeel from Newteria Pakistan,  Mr. Muhammad Ilyas from, Mr. Mubashir Mehmood from Awami Web. and Mr. Waqas Imam from Bloggers shared their ideas of creating a positive impact in Pakistan & beyond. Some of the important tweets of the bloggers who attended this event includes Mr. Mubashir from Awami Web:

Mubashir Mehmood tweet about Lamudi Bloggers Meetup Karachi


Mr. Muhammad Ilyas from Pakistan Blogs shared his story with the tweet:

pakistan blog tweet about lamudi meet up karachiMr. Waqas Imam from shared his version of interaction:

waqas imam tweet about lamudi blogger meet up karachi

This presentation was followed by a networking session where bloggers gave suggestions about the portal and asked Mr. Saad about the property portal, and the challenges it can face. The hashtag for the session was #asklamudi.

It ended with a scrumptious a la carte dinner and a photo session of the bloggers with the Lamudi team. Overall, it was a fun-filled evening and was thoroughly enjoyed by the bloggers and Lamudi team alike.



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