Cloud Computing Importance & HR 

According to a 2014 report published by Forrester Research, Cloud Computing – technology that employs remote servers to store and process data instead of personal computers – has revolutional HR Departments function. Consequently, the global market for cloud computing services is estimated to reach a staggering $ 127 billion by 2017*.

Here are four ways how you can use Cloud Technology (including apps and software ) to improve your organisation’s HR functions:

1. Recruitment and selection. Cloud-based software can match candidates’ credentials and skill sets with your requirements; this will allow you to shortlisted candidates from a large recruitment pool in a short period of time. You can also notify candidates that they have been short-listed for a position and schedule interviews using the software.

2. Evaluation and compensation. You administer online performance appraisals, which is especially beneficial for organisations with a geographically dispersed presence, using cloud software. Once the data has been consolidated, new compensation structures will be updated across company servers in real-time in a timely and error-free manner.

3. Train and development. You can save your organisation considerable expenditure without compromising on the training and development requirements of your workforce by utilising cloud-enabled distance learning via online training modules. What is more, employees at different geographical locations can be trained at the same time; this will save travel costs and time.

4. Record-keeping. Cloud software is ideal for record-keeping and will allow you to have easy access to updated personnel files and records and save you from the trouble of locating and sifting through files manually. Furthermore, digitised records also make it easier to ensure confidentiality; this is because computerised records can be encrypted to ensure limited access.
*Source: Global Research Analysts Report, 2015

By Sahr Nadeem Tariq. The writer is a project coordinator at a multinational company.


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