Edhi Sahab & Donations

Along with appreciating Edhi Sahab’s (may Allah reward him) charitable efforts we must also appreciate the people of Pakistan, who, continue donating open-heartedly solely for the pleasure of Allah.

Which shows that, there surely is, a lot of good in our people. Unlike defeatist mentality that Muslims are worst!

And if this passion is combined with a sincere leadership, that confiscates the illegal wealth of the corrupt rulers and implements a system based on justice, then surely Pakistan will witness a time similar to Islamic history, where people paid zakat but there was no one in need of it.

Without undermining the ajar of charity and Edhi’s work, we should appreciate that taking care of peoples affairs (education, health, jobs, poverty, etc) is the prime responsibility of state & not individuals.

For the same reason it was Umar r.a who said that he will be questioned if a dog is killed along dajla because he was the ruler & Islam has obliged ruler for this.

By Edhi Fan


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