Exchange of Words between Amir Liaquat and Meher Abbasi

Amir Liaquat - Meher Abbasi

Meher Abbasi tells Amir Liaquat that you say that Rangers is bias in Karachi. You ask Rangers to go and do operation in interior Sindh and that bias be spread in the entire Sindh province.

In response to that Amir Liaquat said that this is your own interpretation and I haven’t said this anywhere or to anyone. I have said that the rangers are biased in Karachi not in Sindh.

On that Meher asked Amir Liaquat that tell me how are Rangers bias in Karachi and not in Sindh? Amir Liaquat replied to that in Karachi all Rangers do is circling around MQM offices. There are areas of Lyari and Mangopir where terrorists are hiding but Rangers doesn’t raid those places instead their entire target is a particular area and that is the area of Azizabad.


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