International conference on quality of education from 19th November

Karachi: Aga Khan University’s Institute for Educational Development will hold its 10th international conference from November 19–21, 2015. The theme for this year is A Renewed Focus on Teacher, Teaching Quality and Learning: Localised Models and Practices.  

Considering the vital impact of quality education experience on learning, the conference calls for renewed focus on the three principal pillars of an educational system, including teachers, teaching quality and learning experience. It aims to generate a comprehensive discourse on these three key elements with a particular focus on localised models, practices, challenges and opportunities for their implementation.

WHAT: The 10th international conference on quality of education

WHO: Dr Ayesha Bashiruddin, Associate Professor, IED on teachers, teaching quality and learning.

Professor Pauline Rose, REAL Centre, University of Cambridge, UK on stepping stones to overcoming the learning crisis.

Dr Nelofer Halai, Professor, IED on research and practice in professional development of teachers

Professor Yusuf Sayed, International Education, University of Sussex, UK on teachers and the 2030 global education agenda: ensuring quality and quality education?

Professor Marie Lall, University College London, UK on the role of teachers in the philanthropic alternative education system in Pakistan

WHEN: Day 1 [Inauguration]: November 19, 2015; 9:00 am–4:00 pm [detailed programme attached]

Day 2: November 20, 2015; 9:00 am–4:00 pm

Day 3: November 21, 2015; 9:00 am–4:00 pm

WHERE: Inauguration: Aga Khan University Auditorium, Stadium Road, Karachi

Day 2–3: Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development, 1-5/B-VII, Federal B. Area, Karimabad, Karachi


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