K-Electric initials Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Sind Nooriabad Power Company

Karachi: K-Electric, in its efforts to meet the continuing increase in power demand of Karachi, has entered into principle understanding on Power Purchase Agreement with Sind Nooriabad Power Company (SNPC) for indigenous gas based power supply of 100 MW. This power project, situated at Nooriabad, is a jointly sponsored venture of Technomen Kinetics (Pvt) Limited and Government of Sind under a private-public partnership.

The ceremony of initialing the Power Purchase Agreement between K-Electric and SNPC was witnessed by the Provincial Finance Minister, Mr. Murad Ali Shah, Secretary Energy GoS, Mr. Agha Wasif along with the senior management of SNPC and KE.

The 100 MW power from Nooriabad will be relayed to KE’s KDA Grid via a specialized transmission setup being established by the Sindh Transmission Dispatch Company (STDC). Successful implementation of the project will add affordable and sustainable electricity into KE’s generation mix and strengthen the power supply in Karachi and adjoining areas of interior Sindh and Baluchistan.

Mr. Tayyab Tareen, K-Electric CEO speaking on the occasion said that K-Electric and its consumers will benefit from the additional power supply from Nooriabad project. This initiative has begun a new era of strategic alliance between KE and Sindh Government in the energy sector which will further expand through similar future ventures. This Agreement will further augment the confidence level of local and foreign investors in K-Electric.

Mr. Najmul Hassan, CEO of SNPC added that it was a great sense of accomplishment. SNPC views this understanding of Power Purchase Agreement as a major milestone. He acknowledged the support of Sindh Government during the course of development of this project.


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