Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab Introduces NADRA Services at Union Councils

Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab Introduces NADRA Services at Union Councils
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Karachi: In a groundbreaking move, Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab has announced that NADRA services will now be available at every Union Council in Karachi. This initiative aims to bring essential services closer to the citizens, making it easier for them to access and utilize NADRA’s facilities.

Starting immediately, NADRA staff will be present at every Union Council in Karachi for three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday).

Citizens can now visit their respective Union Councils to avail services such as:

  • B – Form
  • Change of marital status
  • Cancellation of CNIC due to death

This move is expected to benefit the citizens of Karachi greatly, as they will no longer have to travel long distances to access NADRA’s services. The Mayor’s office has praised this initiative as a significant step towards improving the lives of Karachi’s residents.

According to sources, the Mayor’s office has been working tirelessly to address the concerns of citizens who have been facing difficulties in accessing NADRA services. This initiative is a result of their efforts to bring convenience and efficiency to the citizens of Karachi.

“We are committed to providing the best possible services to our citizens,” said Mayor Murtaza Wahab. “This initiative is a step towards that goal, and we hope to continue working towards making Karachi a better place for everyone.”

The NADRA services will be available at all Union Councils in Karachi, making it easily accessible to citizens from all parts of the city. This move is expected to reduce the workload of NADRA’s main office and provide faster services to citizens.

Citizens have welcomed this initiative, expressing gratitude to the Mayor’s office for taking steps to address their concerns. “This is a great move by the Mayor’s office,” said a local resident. “We no longer have to travel long distances to get our documents processed. It’s a big relief for us.”

The Mayor’s office has urged citizens to take advantage of this initiative and visit their respective Union Councils to avail of NADRA services. With this move, Karachi is one step closer to becoming a more efficient and citizen-friendly city.


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