Meher Abbasi To Muhammad Zubair, Do Not Mislead The People

Meher Abbasi

Meher Abbasi in a live talk show asked PMLN’s Muhammad Zubair that is this wishful thinking of the Prime Minister that he has said to bring Musharraf and his cabinet members to the court of parliament?

On reply to that Muhammad Zubair said that this is not what the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister said that there should have been a forum where those members and Musharraf himself could be brought to the court of parliament for questioning.

On that Meher Abbasi asked him that why you don’t catch those who are currently your ministers but at that time were in Musharraf’s cabinet. Muhammad Zubair gave a diplomatic answer that they were not related with the Ministry of water and power or with the Ministry of Petroleum.

Meher also said that how could you question Musharraf when your government has let him get out of the country where he is playing golf and doing press conferences. It is on record and please do not mislead the people that the court let Musharraf get away.


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