Start Healthy With First 1000 Days to Stay Healthy Rest of Life

Start Healthy With First 1000 Days to Stay Healthy Rest of Life

An event “Start Healthy Stay Healthy” was organized to spread awareness by Nestle Pakistan in Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi, Pakistan on Saturday, 12th September 2015. The event was well attended by bloggers and other media outlets. Dr. Huma Fahim, Nutritionist presented mind-blowing facts. The event hashtag was #First1000days. Shah Mujeeb-ud-din country compliance manager gave an insight about WHO & local code for complementary nutritional products.

Several millions are not so fortunate. Upsetting numbers of mothers and offspring in developing republics are not receiving the nutrition they require. For mothers, this means fewer strength and liveliness for the extremely important actions of daily life. It also explicates augmented danger of death or providing birth to a pre-term, below weight or undernourished baby. For early offspring, poor nourishment in the initial years a lot means permanent impairment to physiques and minds throughout the time when both are evolving quickly. And for two and half million offspring each year starvation murders, with undernourishment leading to death.

Dr. Huma Fahim presenting #First1000Days of life;

Dr.-Huma-Fahim-about-1000-days oflife

Glances of some random tweets of the event under hashtag #first1000days:

Dr Huma Fahim surprised the spectators with some study evidences; she held that a kid reaches 50% of tallness in the earliest 2 years following birth. Additionally she said about studies that internationally 80% of the undersized children dwell in just fourteen republics. Pakistan is included in the list. Furthermore she likewise uttered the narrative that normal height of Pakistanis has fallen four inches in previous decades. These studies articulated by Dr. Huma settle that the ways of life of Pakistanis are tremendously deteriorating as far as nutritive life is discussed.

At the end of the session, all bloggers and media persons pledged that they will spread awareness about importance of First 1000 days of life. A tweet by a famous blogger Mubashir Mehmood from is shared below:

About the Author:

Engr. Waqas Imam is a Blogger & freelance analyst; his opinions, letters and event stories had been published in various national newspapers, blogs & magazines of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, & India.

He can be contacted at his twitter headset



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