How To Strong Your Hair & Make Ordinary Shampoo Useful

How To Strong Your Hair & Make Ordinary Shampoo Useful

We all are concerned of our hair and we all use shampoos to wash our hairs, but we don’t know there are some secretes about making an ordinary shampoo more useful, which makes the hair strong.

Here are some tips of making an ordinary shampoo useful

Anti Dandruff
Two tablespoon of shampoo + half tablespoon of lemon
Speeding grow up
Two tablespoon + one tablespoon Aloe Vera Juice

Fighting Static
One tablespoon shampoo+ one tablespoon apple vinegar

Restoring Structure
Two tablespoon shampoo+ one tablespoon of rose water

Fighting Dryness
Two tablespoon shampoo+ 3-4 drop of lavender oil or Rosemary


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