Tabba Heart Institute Commemorates World Heart Day 2020 with Free Cardiac Screening

Tabba Heart Institute Commemorates World Heart Day 2020 with Free Cardiac Screening

World Heart Day is celebrated each year with the objective to create awareness among people regarding the risk of cardio vascular diseases, its causes and how we can reduce this risk. This awareness becomes more important when the world is facing the double edged threat due to COVID-19. This is because heart patients have higher fatality rates when infected with coronavirus.

Tabba Heart Institute not only commemorated World Heart Day in 2020 like previous years but rather expanded the magnitude of the campaign. The purpose of this whole initiative which started on 26th September was to create awareness about heart diseases.

The biggest event during the campaign was Free Cardiac Screening Camp which took place on the 27th of September at Tabba Heart Institute, similar event is also scheduled for Hyderabad city on 9th October.

This free heart screening camp offered free consultation from professional doctors of Tabba Heart Institute and many free tests, along with discounts & offers on other services.

The awareness campaign also had online presence through blogs on official website of Tabba Heart Institute and video messages and posts on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. Participation from representatives of Tabba Heart Institute on channels and FM radio was also part of this campaign.

This initiative will continue with the scheduled free screening camp in Hyderabad and other activities till 3rd week of October, 2020.


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