TCF gets 23 Steps closer to ‘141 Schools for Peace’

Karachi: Last year The Citizens Foundation (TCF), in partnership with, started the 141 Schools for Peace initiative to pay tribute to the martyrs of Army Public School (APS) attack. Today, 23 of these 141 schools have been successfully built in loving memory of the innocent lives lost in the horrific Peshawar tragedy. A plaque is to be installed at each of the 141 schools to honour the martyrs of APS tragedy. The initiative aims to fight the darkness with education to create a more tolerant and balanced society.

A minute of silence was also observed during assembly time at all TCF schools in respect of the victims of Peshawar attack.

“The entire Pakistan was shaken by the APS attack. But the incident pointed towards a growing problem – the one that needed to be addressed immediately. 141 Schools for Peace initiative is at the heart of our struggle for a better and more peaceful Pakistan. Our response to the current problems of our country is education. In the aftermath of APS tragedy, we collectively decided to find a solution to the issue rather than be a part of the problem. The 141 Schools for Peace that we build together will stand as a lasting symbol of hope, resilience and our resolve to educate all the children of Pakistan,” remarked Syed Asaad Ayub Ahmad, President & CEO, TCF.

23 of the 141 schools have been generously funded by the donors from Pakistan and abroad to be a part of the journey towards a better future. TCF continues to get closer to building all 144 schools as further donation comes in for the remaining schools. The Initiative is a message that Pakistan stands for education for all and lasting peace is crucial to our country’s progress.

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