The Employers’ Federation of Pakistan Proposes Labour Policy Guidelines

Karachi: The Sindh Government is keen to come up with a labour policy which can provide a conducive climate for business to grow and workers to prosper. This was stated by Secretary Labour Sindh, Mr. Abdul Rasheed Solangi while speaking as the Chief guest at the National Industrial Relations and Provincial Tripartite Labour Convention organized by the Employers’ Federation of Pakistan with ILO at Karachi.

The government of Sindh has already promulgated fifteen laws and is taking number of measures to improve the conditions of workers in the Province of Sindh by planning a revamping of welfare schemes.

Earlier, Mr. Khawaja Muhammad Nauman, President, Employers’ Federation of Pakistan, called upon the Provincial governments to develop a harmonious approach in all provinces towards an employment and productivity oriented labor and industrial policy at the federal and provincial levels.

Country Director ILO, Ms. Ingrid Christensen, in her remarks, stated that Social dialogue and harmonious industrial relations are part and parcel of Decent Work, being one of the four strategic pillars of Decent Work. Proper and sound social dialogue is an important enabling factor for addressing other Decent Work elements – be it employment generation, skills matching, OSH, social protection and last but not least the fundamental principles and rights at work. She congratulated Employers’ Federation of Pakistan for initiating a fruitful social dialogue by holding of this Conference.

The EFP also announced recognition awards for Best IR Practicing Companies. The Grand Recognition Award in IR Practices was given to Hinopak Motors Limited, while Recognition Awards in IR Practices was given to Bayer Pakistan, Lotte Chemicals and Agriautos. Emerging IR Practice Award for adopting social dialogue approach was given to Ayesha Fabrics.

Mr. Aasim Tiwana Director Policy, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan and Mr. Alamgir Shah, Secretary Labour KPK, who were the Guests of Honour, Mr. Zahoor Awan, General Secretary, Pakistan Workers Federation and Member ILO Governing Body, Mr. Ravindra Peiris, Senior ILO Specialist ACTEMP, Ms. Eva Majurin, ILO Specialist from New Delhi, addressed the inaugural session.

The four business sessions in the first day proceedings of the IR Convention covering different themes such as identifying gaps in provincial labour laws after devolution, gender mainstreaming and women empowerment, labour laws for trans-provincial companies, employment, production, productivity and decent work oriented labour laws and policies were addressed by key-note speakers Mr. Fasihul Karim Siddiqi, Mr. U. R. Usmani, Dr. Asima Faisal and Mr. Parvez Rahim.Dr. Mustaghis-ur-Rahman, Dr. Shahida Sajjad, Dr. Bashir Ahmed, Dr. Dilshad Zafar acted as a Co-chairpersons.


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