UBL Sport Arena at IBA Karachi‏

Karachi: Education is one of the main foundations of UBL’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda. The bank has regularly supported educational institutes, colleges and universities in order to promote higher education in the country.

IBA (Institute of Business Administration) Karachi has been one of the pioneers of higher education in Pakistan. The bank has assisted IBA in the construction of their sports arena at IBA’s Main Campus, Karachi University, which has been named UBL Sports Arena. The bank is also providing funds for the installation of a sophisticated night-lighting system at the arena so that students are able to enjoy the facilities of night cricket and night time sports.

Mr. Wajahat Husain, President & CEO, UBL handed over the donation cheques to Dr. Ishrat Husain, Dean & Director, IBA. The President UBL and Dean IBA took some time to discuss matters of mutual interest. Other senior executives from UBL were also present at the occasion.

“Education as one of the core segments of UBL’s CSR agenda. Our commitment to the Sports Arena at IBA reiterates the fact that, not only do we want every student to get a quality education, but also to become a well rounded and healthy individual who contributes positively to the society”, said Mr. Wajahat Husain at the occasion.


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