Ufone makes this Ramzan a little more special!

Ufone makes this Ramzan a little more special!

ufone logoThis year, Ufone announced a rather special initiative to help and support the underprivileged in Pakistan. This initiative, unlike other large, especially telecom companies, endorses nothing but goodwill and positivity. It involves endorsing three non profit organisations and campaigns instead of the regular marketing strategies.

These organisations and campaigns are as follows:

[junkie-alert style=”white”] Operation Eid Child by Sharmine Aziz [/junkie-alert]

[junkie-alert style=”white”] Dewar-e-Meherbani by a group called Wadaan lead by Omer Nasim, Daniyal Shah, Behram Khan [/junkie-alert]

[junkie-alert style=”white”] Khana Ghar by Parveen SaeedĀ [/junkie-alert]

Operation Eid Child is the brainchild of Sharmine Aziz where kids in need are provided boxes and packets filled with things they would enjoy on various occasions like that of Ramzan and Eid. It is a kind step taken towards these kids and can be supported by anyone who wishes to contribute or do something along the same lines themselves. Same goes for Khana Ghar which provides food at a meagre rate to the hungry individuals and Deewar-e-Mehrbani by Wadaan that provides the general public with an outlet to donate.

Ufone has taken a positive initiative and has put aside huge expenditures like that of celebrity endorsements and branding along with marketing to do something for the society. Thanks to Ufone and some brilliant humanitarians, Ramzan will always be the month of giving and sacrificing in Pakistan!


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