Organized Karachi Blogger’s Met #EveningWithZameen Organized Karachi Blogger’s Met #EveningWithZameen

karachi_bloggers successfully organized Karachi Blogger’s Met under hashtag #EveningWithZameen at Gloria Jean’s in Dolmen City Mall, Sea View Road, Karachi on May 28, 2015. The met-up started with brief introduction of the web portal and its achievements. Zameen is a leading web portal regarding real estate in Pakistan. As is already a known name, more focus was concentrated on how common person can make a positive change and how empowers a common man to discuss their issues, complaints & how easy is for them to make a decision in real estate.

Afterwards all bloggers introduced themselves; some of the bloggers are Mr. Noman Younus from Pakistan Media Updates, Mr Fahad Kehar from, Mr. Mubashir Mehmood from Awami Web. Mr. Waqas Imam from introduced PakBrands and the objective of its existence. Bloggers shared their ideas of creating a positive impact in Pakistan & beyond.

The agenda then moved discussion to SEO tips, essentials of a blog post, optimization of images, info-graphics & videos to better engage and retain the visitor. Moreover major focus was laid on minimization of bounce rate. Since bounce rate is one of the key feature parameter of better ranking in search engine algorithms.

The discussion moved to loyalty & devotion to the homeland just after the bloggers panel discussed SEO related issues. Everybody agrees about the hype of negativity created regarding Karachi is not the reality. Karachi is still the city of lights and we need to build a better image of Karachi and overall Pakistan. The session was then concluded over refreshments & group photos.


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