Employers’ Federation of Pakistan launches awards 2014

Karachi: Employers’ Federation of Pakistan (EFP) has launched Employer of the Year award to promote best working practices at corporations in Pakistan with generating desired results of profitability. This was stated by K M Nauman, President EFP while speaking to media, recently at Karachi Press Club. Zaki Ahmed Khan, Vice President EFP also present on the occasion.

The award ceremony will be held on 9th September, 2015 as we are encouraged by the first and second EOY awards successfully held last year and the year before last.

EOY award as the name indicates recognizes and honors the efforts of Large, Medium and Small enterprises for their contribution and commitment towards creation of skilled manpower and provision of a supportive work environment.

These awards encourage the enterprises to achieve the targets being set by the award winning companies. Also, the award competition is meant to highlight the role of the employers in producing skilled workforce in line with the market demand. Because of this and many other employer-focused activities, the role of the private sector in the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) delivery and planning is well recognized.

The award will not be a token of appreciation in the industry but it will set a performance benchmark in the business and industries along with competition for companies to perform best as employers, Nauman said.

The EOY award is also aiming at enhancing productivity and quality of products by encouraging the companies to invest in the skilled workforce development so that their competitiveness increases and in return we also are able to create new jobs for millions of job seekers in the country.

The EOY award is gaining its popularity and importance due to the fair assessment and the stature of the jury members which include; Dr. Abdul Wahab, President Muhammad Ali Jinnah University, Mansoor Khalil, Chief Finance Officer, Lahore University Of Management Science  and Dr. Mussarrat  Anwar Sheikh Chairperson, Fatima Jinnah University.

EFP within its capacity is serving the nation and its members by providing opportunities through the EOY award competition, Occupational Safety, Health & Environment award competition, which is being regularly held by EFP for the last 10 years and by providing skilled training to the staff members of the enterprises and by providing legal opinion through the best legal advisors.

He said EFP has developed a Strategic Action Plan which is also reflected in the Pakistan National Business Agenda developed in 2013.In this regard, the relevant authorities were approached by EFP including the President of Pakistan, Prime Minster of Pakistan, the relevant Ministries and other stakeholders.

The government is addressing most of the issues incorporated in the PNBA but there is still a need to further take up the issues to put the economy of Pakistan on the right track. Industry, being the main beneficiary of a better system, is contributing to reform the TVET system that was initiated in 2011 by the Government of Pakistan and supported by the European Union and the Governments of the Netherlands, Germany and Norway through TVET Reform Support Programme.

Under this TVET Reform Support Programme, which is jointly implemented by the National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and GIZ, the employers’ involvement is encouraged and promoted at different levels, which will help reshape the existing supply-driven TVET system into the one that is responsive to the market needs.

Employers’ Federation of Pakistan is actively involved in the implementation of the TVET reforms in close collaboration with National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) and contributes on behalf of employers at different levels right from defining the skills needs, training delivery, assessment and placement of the skilled workforce. The EOY award is also supported by the TVET Reform Support Programme.


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