My Mother Visited Dubai – We Enjoyed a lot


The last 2 weeks while my mom visited Dubai, I was ecstatic to see how much she enjoyed. I loved every second I spent with her while I showed her around and while she was awed by this amazing city. Needless to say, I got a limitless supply of prayers and well wishes from her.

I have a friend whose mother is in the hospital and it pains me to even think of what she is going through.

If you have the slightest bit of respect, admiration or a connection with me.. I plead that you take out 30 seconds to pray for the health of his mom and mine.

Mothers are undoubtedly the greatest blessing we can have and I pray that all the mothers in the world are blessed with good health, fortune and long lives and the ones that have left us always smile down upon us from the heavens while we try to make them proud. Join me in that prayer. Aameen.

By Arsalan


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